Services & Rates
Private Test Prep Tutoring Online or In-person
Services | Rates |
Initial Consultation | Free 30 minute consult |
Online Tutoring SAT/ACT (50 min sessions) | $4,125 for 15 sessions |
Online Tutoring SAT/ACT (50 min sessions) | $7,500 for 30 sessions |
Curriculum Fee SAT/ACT | $695 |
Group Workshops SAT/ACT (120 min) | $150 per workshop |
College Consulting - Common App Essay | $1,800 |
Initial Consultation: At least one parent, along with the student, must be present for the initial consultation. This meeting may be conducted virtually or in person. Please have any official scores readily available for discussion.
Online Tutoring: One online session is 50 minutes; 1.5 online session is 75 minutes. Mr. Boonswang's fee for online tutoring is $4,125 for 15 sessions or $7,500 for 30 sessions. After those sessions are completed, students who wish to continue may purchase blocks of 10 sessions ($2,500). During the initial consult we will discuss the approximate number of sessions your child will need, as this depends on his/her starting point and goal. During 2019 the average Boonswang student had 23 sessions. Parents who wish to purchase individual sessions may do so at $300 per 50 minute session or $375 per 75 minute session.
Curriculum Fee: A one-time nonrefundable charge to cover materials and Mr. Boonswang's time while curriculum planning for new students.
Workshops: A series of 12 workshops, designed to complement and reinforce skills gained through private tutoring, is held during the months August-November when Mr. Boonswang's most advanced students are nearing completion of SAT prep. Serious students typically attend all, or nearly all, of these workshops.
College Consulting - Common App Essay: Aka the personal statement: brainstorm, advise, and recommend edits until the final draft is complete.
Read about our cancellation and arrival policy -Your child's scheduled session is time that has been set aside specifically for him/her. Especially during "busy season" Mr. Boonswang is often fully booked during the prime afterschool hours. Frequent cancellations equate to missed opportunities for other students trying to get in during the weeks leading up to a popular test date. If it becomes necessary to reschedule an appointment, we would appreciate a minimum of 48 hours notice. You will be charged $75 if you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours notice or if your child fails to attend a scheduled session. If this occurs, the next time your child has a tutorial, he/she is to bring a check for the scheduled session and the missed appointment. In the event of inclement weather all in-person sessions will instead be conducted online via Skype/Facetime. Each in-person session is 75 minutes in length. Please make sure your child is on time for his/her appointment because is cannot be extended due to lateness. Whether he/she is late or on time, you are responsible for the full fee of the session. In addition, if you are picking up your child, please arrive 75 minutes after the scheduled start of the session.

"Tutoring with Brig was a significant investment for us, but it was one of the best investments I've ever made...based on her SAT scores my daughter was offered a merit scholarship covering 100% of tuition."
Mike P.
Short Hills, NJ